3 Essential First Aid Tips for Sunburn

Summertime is almost here! While the Philippines stays relatively warm all year, there is a noticeable increase in temperature once March kicks in. As the hotter months start approaching, we should stay ready for anything that happens. Prep your medic kit with these three essential first aid t...

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10 Safety Tips To Keep In Mind When Using Laboratory Equipment

The laboratory is a beautiful thing. Discoveries and accidents can happen in the same room, that’s why you should be very careful. Read our top 10 safety tips on using laboratory equipment below to get protected. Insulate electric equipment properly. A laboratory contains appliances,...

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3 Ways to Prolong the Shelf Life of Medical Supplies

Whether you have an illness or taking care of one who does, it is vital to learn how to take care of your medical supplies. These items are fragile and can be expensive at certain times. You may also miss the opportunity of being able to use it when you need it most. By learning how to prolong it...

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Medical Devices, Their Examples, and How the FDA Defines Them

Over the past decade, the advances in medical science have really progressed in leaps and bounds. Many diseases and illnesses that may have gone uncured before have become treatable and curable now saving many lives. While the advancement is largely attributed to new medicines and medical processes,...

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6 Important Medical Equipment to Set Up a Home Quarantine For COVID-19 Patients

The current pandemic situation has caused a lot of changes in the way people do things nowadays. This includes how people access hospitals and clinics. The truth of the matter is, hospitals and clinics are currently swamped with patients and many of them don’t have the capacity to handle patients ...

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Tips On Choosing A Reliable Medical Equipment Supplier

Medical equipment is more important than ever before, because to rising life expectancy and rapid technological advancements. People are living longer, which necessitates the use of a variety of medical gadgets. Older individuals demand additional care, which has been made possible by technological ...

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