3 Essential First Aid Tips for Sunburn

Summertime is almost here! While the Philippines stays relatively warm all year, there is a noticeable increase in temperature once March kicks in.

As the hotter months start approaching, we should stay ready for anything that happens.

Prep your medic kit with these three essential first aid tips to keep you prepared if you get a sunburn.

Immediately apply aloe vera gel or calamine lotion on the affected area.

Sunburn symptoms usually show within a few hours after your exposure to the sun. Your skin will be red, hot, and painful to touch. One of the easiest ways to ease the pain, for now, is to have a tub of aloe vera gel or calamine lotion ready to apply. Aloe vera gel has a cool, gooey sensation that will soothe your skin. Meanwhile, calamine lotion has a more watery consistency that can alleviate itchiness.

Take a pain reliever to ease the discomfort.

If your skin has a less severe sunburn type, it will eventually heal itself in a few days. You will notice it by peeling the damaged skin’s top layer, which, in the process, will temporarily bear a slightly lighter skin tone. If you find this an uncomfortable experience, You can lessen it by taking pain-relieving medication such as ibuprofen or paracetamol.

Seek emergency help for large blisters.

Some people can have an even worse type of sunburn. Severe sunburn features large blisters around the face and body, severe swelling, headache, nausea, high fever, and a painful feeling on the eyes. It is best to immediately call for help and let medical professionals handle the situation.

It’s hard not to get too caught up during the summer. Nevertheless, having fun under the sun is okay under the right precautions. Use these tips to stay ready for outings, vacations, or after a quick dip or hike!

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