
Microprocessor controlled, digital display. With audible and visual indicators and errors codes during the process of outputting.
Return Electrode Monitoring system and Power Peak System, minimizing the risk of tissue damage.
Remote control function. The surgeon can adjust the outputs by power control ESU pencil.
The ESU unit can be connected with laparoscope and endoscope, etc.
Convection refrigeration without ventilator.


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>>Cautery Machine Medx Heavy duty<<

Product Description:-

Main Features:

a Microprocessor controlled, digital display. With audible and visual indicators and errors codes during the process of outputting.
a Return Electrode Monitoring system and Power Peak System, minimizing the risk of tissue damage.
a Remote control function. The surgeon can adjust the outputs by power control ESU pencil.
a The ESU unit can be connected with laparoscope and endoscope, etc.
a Convection refrigeration without ventilator.

Technical Specifications
Power: 220VA 22V, 50HzA 1Hz(110VA 11V, 60Hz)
Operating frequency: 416KHz
Power rating: 1100VAA 10i
Six working modes:
a Mono-polar Cut
a) Pure cuti 1Wi 300W( Load 800IC)
b) Blend1i 1Wi 200W(Load 800IC)
c) Blend2i 1Wi 250W(Load 800IC)
a Mono-polar Coag
d) Contact Coagi 1Wi 80W( Load 800IC)
e) Forced Coagi 1Wi 120W( Load 800IC)
a Bipolar
f) Bipolar Coagulation: 1Wi 70W( Load 200IC)
a Power Consumption: a 1100VA


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