Conversion of Ambulance Premium Set


High Quality Ambulance Materials and Equipment
Complete Premium Package Ambulance Equipment

Car Not Included



Scope of Work and Materials Description
Dismount all van rear passenger seat assembly and re-install one collapsible original (jump seat) at the rear portion of the driver and passenger side to serve as a doctors seat.
Fabricated nurse and aide seat at the right side of the van (made of plywood with carpet,with cushion and leatherrette seats)
Install 1/2 thick plywood and cover floor with rubber vinyl matting.
Attached windbreaker front and rear portion of the roof.
Beacon lights, multi-flashing, white, red and blue; mounted on the front portion attached to the wind breakers. Beacon lights, multi-flashing, white, red and blue; mounted on the rear portion attached to the wind breakers.
Additional light (white) accessories on the front and back windbreakers. 8 pcs LED lights.
Superior quality-sounding siren/wailer with speaker, built-in in the beacon lights.
“Ambulance” marking (rear and 2 sides) front markings (at the hood) should be mirror image.
Stickers, including the company logo as specified by the client. Up to 6 sets
Interior Equipment for the Cabin, Public Address System.
TINT all sides and rear portion of the van – One way green scratch proof & non-fading
UFH/VHF Mobile base with 2 pcs radio receivers NTC permit and frequency c/o customer. Base Antenna with whip
Install Collapsible (height-adjustable) strecher, with retractable wheel assembly with brakes (with side rails IV stand) in accordance with trend design 8 wheels
Oxygen tank gauge regulator and de-humidifier, with nasal cannul. Oxygen tank 20 lbs.
Flashlight (2), with four (4) size D batteries.
Passenger seat, bench type, with foam, leatherette cover seat at the rear potion of the driver and passenger seats.
Medicine cabinet, made of steel with flexy glass cover.
Minor first aid kit including bag or box, local
BP Apparatus, aneroid type, with standard stethoscope.
Blood pressure Gauge, wallmounted.
Ambubag with resucitator, Adult and Pedia combination. (Imported)
Minor Surgical kit, with bag (imported)
IV bottle holder, ceiling mounted. Stainless steel shafting.
Two (2) ceiling lamp, electronic, 10 watts, rectangular.
Intravenous fluid hook/holder
Fire extinguisher, 1 Kg. capacity.
Inverter, DC-AC, 1,500 watts capacity
Circuit breaker 20 amperes
Built-in extentention cord # (royal cord) with duplex type convenience
outlet(C.O) weather proof,10 meters long.
Grounding System
One (1) emergency lamp, handheld, 12 volts DC
Flourescent light
Return all excess items, like passenger seats and floor carpet back to customer.


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