
Rate monitor gives students visual feedback Head-tilt illustrates how to open the airway Realistic skin resists dirt, grime and grease. Easy-to-insert face shield lung bag speeds setup of the manikin. Carry case included


PRESTAN® Professional CPR-AED Manikins are now approved for use by American Heart Association for the American Red Cross layperson and professional rescuer training courses Realistic to the eye and the touch, the PRESTAN® Infant Professional Manikin is unlike any other on the market. PRESTAN® manikins are uniquely designed as a clamshell and accommodates an easy-to-insert face shield/lung bag. The PRESTAN® manikins are equipped to be used with ANY AED trainer on the market today. The manikins come in three skin tones: Light, medium, and dark, and come with or without the CPR Monitor. They come individually, in a convenient four pack, or in a Family Pack, consisting of an adult manikin, a child manikin, and an infant manikin.


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