
The most basic catheters are straight caths usually made out of plastic (vinyl or PVC), silicone, or red rubber. They range from rigid PVC catheters, which are easier to insert but can be uncomfortable, to soft red rubber ones that contain latex. In between are “soft” catheters, made of slightly softer material that some users find more comfortable.

10pieces per pack


Catheters are measured using the French scale, which is a unit that measures very small diameters. 1 French is equal to 1/3 mm. Children typically use catheters that are 8 French, 10 French, or 12 French, with babies using 5-6 French, and teens and adults using 12-20 French catheters. While in general smaller children use smaller diameter catheters, anatomy can vary, and you may need to try several sizes before settling on the right size. Start small, and only upsize if you cannot get urine to flow easily, or if urine leaks passively